From our campus location on Sarasota Bay to our subtropical climate to our outstanding biology facilities and faculty, you will find opportunities to work beside renowned professors who will immerse you in rigorous studies while giving you the opportunity to conduct advanced research as an undergraduate.
About the Biology Area of Concentration
A concentration in Biology begins with course work in a two-semester sequence (Foundations of Biology 1 and 2), which may be taken in any order. A well-rounded biologist will build on basic concepts with study in three core levels of organization: molecular/cellular biology, organismal biology, and ecology/evolution. Course offerings supplemented by tutorials allow students to accomplish this in seven contracts. Additional coursework in the other Natural Science disciplines is also required.
Two additional Biology elective courses will ensure students are well-rounded biologists and receive training in multiple areas to assist their thesis research and future goals. In the current curriculum, molecular and cellular courses include Genetics, Developmental Biology, Microbiology, Neurobiology, and Cellular Biology. Organismal biology is represented by course offerings, including Organismic Biology, Botany, Entomology, Fish Biology, Invertebrate Zoology, Plant Physiology, and the Biology of Sharks, Skates, and Rays. Ecology/evolution is represented by course offerings including Ecology, Forest Ecology, Biology of Urbanization, Evolution and Animal Behavior.
“I chose to attend New College because it will prepare me for the challenges of medical school and the practice of medicine and medical research itself.”
Saurav Kiri
Biology Student and Archimedes Scholar
Featured Course
BIOL 3115
Florida Natural History
Natural history is a domain of inquiry involving organisms in their natural environment. We will study the principles of natural history, including the general ecology, habitats, vegetation types, wildlife, historical geology, and conservation issues of Florida. We will use group and individual project-based learning to discover the natural environments of Florida. Field trips to Florida ecosystems will exemplify the principles of natural history.
Recent Courses
- Biology of Sharks, Skates and Rays
- Biology of Urbanization
- Biostatistics
- Coral Reef Ecology
- Epidemiology Matters: An Introduction
- Florida Natural History
- Fundamentals of Applied Genetics
- Global Health and Humanity
- Introduction to Entomology
- Introduction to Microbiology
- Introduction to Neuroscience
- Introduction to Oceanography
- Invertebrate Zoology
- Marine Mammal Biology
- Neurobiology
- Organismic Biology
- Sex, Gender, Mind and Brain
- Social Epidemiology
- Topics in Genomics
- Tropical Disease Epidemiology
Career Outcomes
New College graduates from the Biology program have earned prestigious Fulbright awards, attended medical school and doctoral programs, and pursued careers in pharmaceutical research, biosciences, and software development. Fields that fit well with a Biology degree include:
- Biotechnology
- Dentistry
- Medicine
- Physiology
- Science Policy
- Zoology
- Environmental Sciences
- Veterinary Sciences

Pre-Health Program
In an effort to share valuable resources and create strong connections between students, the Pre-Health program is designed for students interested in pursuing a career in healthcare and medicine, and includes Pre-Med, Pre-Vet, Pre-Dental, and Pre-Pharmaceutical.
Contact Us
Natural Sciences Division
Phone Number
Email Address
Heiser Natural Sciences Complex 172C
Biology Faculty
Dr. Amy Clore
Professor of Biology
Dr. Kristopher Fennie
Associate Professor of Epidemiology
Co-Director of Health Cultures and Societies
Sandra Gilchrist
Professor of Biology & Marine Science
Natural Sciences Division Chair
Tyrone Ryba
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
Dr. Athena Rycyk
Associate Professor, Marine Mammal Science
Alfred Beulig
Emeritus Professor of Biology
Leo Demski
Emeritus Professor of Biology
Founding Director Pritzker Marine Biology Center
Dr. Elzie McCord Jr.
Emeritus Professor of Biology