New College Economist Says a Massive ‘Green Stimulus’ Could Boost the Economy

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- by Sarasota Magazine


From Sarasota Magazine, April 21, 2020

‘It has never been cheaper to invest in the green economy we need,’ says Mark Paul.

By Cooper Levey-Baker  4/21/2020 at 2:51pm

In the past month, shutdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have thrown more than 22 million Americans out of work, and experts say the current unemployment rate could already be higher than 20 percent, up from just 3.5 percent as recently as February. To help struggling individuals and businesses, Congress has already approved $2 trillion in spending, with another $500 billion perhaps in the works.
Mark Paul, an assistant professor of economics and environmental studies at New College of Florida, says such spending offers “relief” to Americans, but he argues that “recovery” programs must follow.