NCF Associate Professor of Chemistry Katie Walstrom shares insight on coronavirus molecule
From Snntv. com, March 12, 2020
A biochemist shares insight on coronavirus molecule

SARASOTA – A biochemist breaks down the coronavirus particle.
A New College of Florida Professor explains how the coronavirus has a protein-protein interaction in our lungs.
Dr.Katherine Walstrom says the virus attaches itself to the protein, killing the cell, and spreading more viruses.
So, this is the reason why when you cough, you’re not only spreading germs but also spreading COVID-19.
She says a paper in science shows just how tightly the coronavirus binds to the proteins in our lungs.
“The authors hypothesize that might be one reason why it spread so well,” Dr. Walstrom said. “So the idea is if you breathe in the virus, it can easily bind to that protein and easily get into your cells.”
Dr. Walstrom says this virus can cause your immune system to go on overtime, killing other important cells in your body as it tries to fight the coronavirus. This is part of the danger of COVID- 19, especially for those with weaker immune systems.
So, it’s important to listen to the CDC recommendations.