Heidi Harley

Professor of Psychology/ Peg Scripps Buzzelli Chair

Director Environmental Studies Program


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Bon Seigneur Residence 011


Social Science 102


M.A., Ph.D. Psychology, University of Hawaii at Manoa
B.A. Philosophy, University of Colorado at Boulder

Professor Harley teaches courses in cognitive psychology and comparative cognition. Her research focuses on cognitive processes in dolphins.

Recent Courses

Cognitive Psychology
Introduction to Comparative Cognitive Laboratory
Methods and Representations in Environmental Studies
Laboratory in Comparative Cognition
Origins of Human Cognition
Introduction to Psychology: Animal Thinking (a first-year seminar)

Selected Awards and Exhibitions

Excellence in Science Communication Award for poster (2009), Echoic Shape Discrimination by Dolphins?, at the 18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals

Pas si Bêtes! 1000 Cerveaux, 1000 Mondes. (2000). An installation in the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelles, Paris, France: Imitation in dolphins.
TIP Award for Exceptional Teaching (1998)

Selected Publications

Harley, H.E., Xitco, M.J., & Roitblat, H.L. (1995). Echolocation, cognition, and the dolphin’s world. In R. Kastelein, J. Thomas, & P. Nachtigall (Eds.), Sensory Systems in Aquatic Mammals (pp. 515-528). Woerden, The Netherlands: De Spill.

Harley, H.E., Roitblat, H.L. & Nachtigall, P.E. (1996). Object representation in the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus): Integration of visual and echoic information. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 22(2), 164-174 .
Bauer, G.B. & Harley, H.E. (2001). The mimetic dolphin. Brain and Behavior Sciences, 24(2), 326-327.
Harley, H.E., Putman, E.A., & Roitblat, H.L. (2003). Bottlenose dolphins perceive object features through echolocation. Nature, 424, 667-669.
Delong, C.M., Au, W.W.L., Lemonds, D., Harley, H.E., & Roitblat, H.L. (2006).  Acoustic features of objects matched by an echolocating bottlenose dolphin.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119(3), 1867-1879.
Fellner, W., Bauer, G.B., & Harley, H.E. (2006). Cognitive implications of synchrony in dolphins: A review. Aquatic Mammals, 32(4), 511-516.
DeLong, C.M., Au, W.W.L., Harley, H.E., Roitblat, H.L., & Pytka, L. (2007). Human listeners provide insights into echo features used by dolphins to discriminate among objects. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 121(3), 306-319.
Harley, H.E. (2008). Whistle discrimination and categorization by the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus): A review of the signature whistle framework and a perceptual test. Behavioural Processes, 77, 243-268.
Harley, H.E. & DeLong, C.M. (2008). Echoic object representation by the bottlenose dolphin. Comparative Cognition and Behavior Reviews3, 46-65.
Harley, H.E., Fellner, W., & Stamper, M.A. (2010). Cognitive research with dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) at Disney’s The Seas: A program for enrichment, science, education, and conservation. International Journal of Comparative Psychology.