New College’s Biochemistry AOC is an interdisciplinary program designed to let you explore the interface between all four areas of the natural sciences, especially chemistry and biology.

About the Biochemistry Area of Concentration
Like our Chemistry program at New College, our Biochemistry AOC encourages and develops independence, scientific judgment and a high level of performance. As a Biochemistry student, you will work closely with faculty trained at leading universities and conducting engaging and relevant research. With their guidance, you will develop the skills needed for scientific research in academia and industry.
Our Biochemistry and Chemistry students also have a long tradition of being awarded prestigious undergraduate research grants. In the past five years, nine New College students have received highly prized National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) grants for the summer. The programs are sponsored by the National Science Foundation and are hosted in various universities. They are among the most prestigious summer programs in which an undergraduate can participate.
And you can expect your professors to provide the counseling and recommendations you need as you move on from New College, either to the high-level graduate programs our students consistently attain or to a career in industry, medicine, or other professional fields.
Featured Course
CHEM 4400
Biochemistry I, Protein Structure and Function
Description: This course will be an in-depth study of protein and nucleic acid structure, function, and regulation. The focus of the class will be on molecular mechanisms of protein function. Mechanisms of human diseases will also be discussed. The last two weeks of the course will include advanced topics chosen by the students themselves.
Recent Courses
- Biochemistry I, Protein Structure and Function
- Biochemistry II, Metabolism and Advanced Topics
- Biochemistry Laboratory
- Cell Biology Lecture
- Cell Biology Laboratory
Career Pathways
- Product development
- Biotechnology
- Quality assurance/Quality control
- Environmental analyses
- Forensics
Contact Us
Natural Sciences Division
Phone Number
Email Address
Heiser Natural Sciences Complex 172C
Biochemistry Faculty
Dr. Amy Clore
Professor of Biology