The Student Research and Travel Grant Program provides grants to New College students in support of research and travel associated with their thesis work, tutorials and independent study projects.
For more than two decades, the Student Research and Travel Grant Program (SRTG) has provided grant funding to New College students in support of research and travel associated with their thesis work, presenting at professional conferences, tutorials, and independent study projects. It is funded through the New College Alumni Association and the New College Foundation.
SRTG is an excellent example of New College’s commitment to supporting students’ academic and career endeavors. This important funding source ensures students can pursue their intellectual curiosity and produce well-developed faculty-guided projects and conference presentations that maximize their New College education and impact their future success.
Coordinated by the Center for Career Engagement and Opportunity (CEO), SRTG proposals are invited from current students in good academic standing twice a year (once a semester) and are reviewed by a committee of alumni and faculty members. The Fall deadline is 5:00 p.m. on the Monday after Fall Break and the Spring deadline is 5:00 p.m. on the Monday after Spring Break. Student applicants must have a New College faculty advisor submit a letter of support. One student may apply for a grant to support academic activities for a group project involving several students. While there is no set maximum or minimum award amount, projects rarely receive 100 percent funding due to the high volume of requests each semester.
Visit this page for proposal application instructions, guidelines for students, and the active application form. For additional questions, contact the Center for Career Engagement and Opportunity at [email protected].

Support the SRTG Fund
Support the Student Research and Travel Grant Program by making a donation.