Information for Students

Differences between high school and college disability services begin upon enrollment at college.  It is the student’s responsibility to self identity to the Advocacy and Accessible Learning Center office in the event they would like to establish reasonable accommodations.  The student is responsible for their accommodations.  In the AALC office, we look forward to working with you to navigate reasonable accommodations for access.

Some key differences between high school and college:

  • Applicable laws in high school are through I.D.E.A and the applicable laws for colleges are the ADA, Section 504, and the ADA Amendments Act.
    • I.D.E.A. promotes success while ADA, 504 and the ADA Amendments Act promotes access.
  • The high school must coordinate all aspects of the services, unlike college, where a student must contact the AALC to coordinate services.
    • At the college level, this looks like a student communicating with the AALC to coordinate testing in a different location.  Self advocacy is key!

More Information

The Advocacy and Accessible Learning Center strives to meet each student’s individual needs by offering services designed to support their participation in all programs and activities offered at New College of Florida. In the event a student desires to appeal the decision that is outlined in their eligibility letter, the student should first discuss this with the Director of the Advocacy and Accessible Learning Center (AALC). If the student wants to further appeal a decision, they must follow the appeal process below.  

  1. The student must provide the following information to the New College of Florida Title IX & ADA Coordinator:
    1. A signed and dated personal statement including date of denial by the Director of Advocacy and Accessible Learning Center (AALC), specific accommodation(s) denied, and rationale for the student’s request based on the disability.
    2. Disability documentation submitted to the AALC.
    3. Eligibility Letter issued by the AALC.
    4. Any other relevant information pertaining to the student’s request.
  1. The Title IX & ADA Coordinator will submit the student’s appeal request to an Accommodation Appeal Committee.
  2. The Accommodation Appeal Committee will review the student’s packet within ten (10) working days of receipt of the appeal. If an investigation is warranted it will be conducted in a timely manner to obtain further information. A written determination will be sent to the student within five (5) working days after the completion of the investigation, but no more than fifteen (15) working days after receipt of the student appeal packet. A copy will be maintained in the AALC student record.
  3. The decision of the Accommodation Appeal Committee is final.

Frequently Asked Questions

please email the AALC at [email protected] to schedule and appointment with a staff member. Students may also self-identify to their faculty advisor and ask to be referred to AALC.

If a student needs academic or residential accommodations, please visit the New Student Information page and follow all steps in the registration process.

Disability Documentation Guidelines vary depending on the type of disability. Current and comprehensive documentation is needed to determine not only a student’s eligibility to receive accommodations but also, their current levels of functioning.

Go to our new student page for more information.

NCF is committed to creating a campus community that is inclusive of all aspects of diversity and identity, including disability identity. AALC serves as a resource to all students who have a disability. By registering with AALC, you may allow yourself resources and opportunities that may be beneficial to you, whether you utilize accommodations/services or not. 

This frequently happens. At NCF, when students ask for modifications to policies in the course or housing for a medical condition, the requests must be facilitated through AALC. It is also possible you may not realize until you get to campus and start engaging with classes and moving around the campus that you need something. That is okay, as well. You can register with AALC at any point while you are registered at NCF.

No. NCF does not have services for LD or ADHD evaluations. Students need to submit current and comprehensive evaluations when requesting disability services. Please review our Disability Documentation Guidelines for more information about what is required.

AALC keeps documentation and information on registration status in a secure location. When sharing information with faculty and campus partners involved in the provision of accommodations, our focus is on the accommodation you need for equal access, not on the disability.

Regardless of whether you’ve turned 18 when entering college, your IEP or 504 plans will end when you complete high school and begin college. Both IEPs and 504s are handled through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), while disability accommodations in college are handled through the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (as well as successive amendments to those laws). What that means is that you won’t continue to have regular, frequent meetings. like what might have occurred in high school. However, your IEP and 504 paperwork still counts as documentation of disability for accommodations in college, and you will meet with someone in AALC at least one time each semester. Your IEP and 504 documents also can serve as a guide for AALC to connect you with beneficial resources, such as the Writing Resource Center, Quantitative Resource Center, or Student Success and Advocacy Programs and their student tutors and coaches. Documentation from your IEP or 504 also can help with referrals for equipment or auxiliary aids designed to improve accessibility to your education, various campus support groups, case management services, or outside community resources.

The purpose of financial aid is to help students and families meet educational expenses that cannot be met through their own resources. Financial aid can be either need-based or non-need-based. The results of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) along with the cost of education will determine whether or not a student has financial need. Costs related to disabling conditions may affect your financial need but having a disability does not qualify a student automatically for financial aid.

We encourage students to visit the website for the Johnson Scholarship Foundation.