New College of Florida continues climate change conversation
LOCALIZE THIS STORY: “In Florida, officials ban term ‘climate change’” Miami Herald, March 8, 2015
New College of Florida has kept the community conversation about sea level rise going for the past four years: FSU Professor and New College alum. Dr. Jeff Chanton lectured just last week on the science of climate change. B-roll and footage of his lecture is available.
New College of Florida experts are ready to speak on this subject:
“Here in Sarasota, scientists predict up to 3 feet of sea level rise over the next 85 years. Long term plans for roads, storm drains, and shorelines will need to accommodate this. Each year that our elected leaders fail to plan for this, our options to prepare are fewer and more costly. Further, the wetlands in our bays and creeks will be squeezed between shoreline structures and rising bay waters, reducing habitat and affecting local saltwater fishing. These conversations need to be matched with a serious commitment to state and local planning for three feet of sea level rise.” – said Julie Morris, assistant vice president for academic affairs.
In addition, others that could speak on the issue:
- Students from the Council of Green Affairs
- Frank Alcock, Associate Professor of Political Science & Environmental Studies
- Heidi Harley, Director of Environmental Studies