Hate Crimes Expert to Speak at New College
Documenting hate crimes involves erratic metrics because definitions and reporting standards vary from state to state. The FBI logs an average of 6,000 cases a year; National Institute of Justice surveys put the annual average at 191,000 incidents.
Wild disparities notwithstanding, the trend curves are as predictable as ocean tides, according to hate crimes analyst Heidi Beirich. Additionally, the associated rhythms of domestic terror are as easy to anticipate as the transfer of political power from one party to the other.
Between now and 2042 — the year America’s white population is projected to relinquish its majority status — spasms of ethnic violence will surge across the nation.
“Demographic changes are the biggest contributor to hate groups, and the fear of a strong central government goes back to our country’s founding,” says Beirich, who will bring a “State of Hate and Extremism” lecture to New College on Thursday afternoon.