First-Generation Stories: Sara Friend

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Editor’s Note: First-Generation Student Recognition Day is Thursday, Nov. 8. New College of Florida is celebrating first-generation students by telling some of their stories.
Sara Friend was disappointed when she found no programming for first-generation students at New College, especially during the crucial first year, so she decided to do something about it.
“I found out about [first generation] programming during an internship with student affairs,” said Friend, who organized and is hosting the closing event of First-Generation College Student Recognition Day at New College, First Gen Chat. The chat will take place at the Gender and Diversity Center, and it will give first-generation students an opportunity to share their experiences, build community and identify needs.
Friend believes the most effective programming would “proactively reach out and connect with first-generation students. There’s room for that” at New College, she said, though the administration has made improvements since she arrived on campus.
“Orientation had an affinity group for first-generation students for the first time this year. It’s a gradual process. You can’t build it overnight.”

First-Generation: Sara and Andreina

New College of Florida students Sara Friend and Andreina Carrasquero share advice for other generation college students.