Shout out to Professor Maria Vesperi from "Anthropology Now"

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- by Anthropology Now


Editor’s Note, October 20, 2020

To  be clear, since I started my position at AN, both Maria and Emily have continued to play vital roles. Even so, their efforts in pulling together this special issue far exceeded the expectations of their respective positions. I proposed the idea of a special issue on the COVID-19 pandemic to them on March 14, and we quickly and collectively decided to move forward as fast as possible. Compelled by our collective imagination and a sense of urgency, Emily and Maria bounded out of the gate, so to speak. For the next five weeks, their sustained energy was remarkable. They worked tirelessly every day, brainstorming with me, contacting potential contributors and fielding questions from them, reviewing ideas, and editing essays as they came in. I could write much more about the seemingly endless list of tasks they undertook; suffice  it to say that readers would not be viewing An Anthropology of the COVID-19 Pandemic were it not for Emily and Maria.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you a thousand times, Emily and Maria.

Rylan Higgins General Editor Anthropology Now