New College Foundation Welcomes Three New Board Members

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Drs. Esther Barazzone and Margee Ensign are prominent academic leaders. Larry Geimer brings deep experience in finance and community service.

New College Foundation recently welcomed three new members to its board of directors: Dr. Esther Barazzone, Dr. Margee Ensign, and Larry Geimer.

“All three new board members are deeply committed to New College, and we’re thrilled to welcome them,” says Sue Jacobson, Foundation board chair. “Drs. Barazzone and Ensign, both New College alumni, are the products of and experts on the value of a liberal arts education. Both have served as presidents of leading universities and were instrumental in developing sustainable campuses at their institutions. Both are world-renowned leaders in global higher education and civic engagement. Larry Geimer has an outstanding track record as a talented and experienced financial professional and a successful leader in the Sarasota community. We’re honored to have these exceptional individuals bring their combined experience of leadership, expertise and energy to serve our mission at New College; and we’re confident their invaluable perspectives will empower our forward movement toward a bright future.”

Read their bios here.